Research & Open Access Resources
Here you can access my anthropological undergraduate research into ‘Representations of Refugees, those seeking Asylum, Immigrants and Migrants in the Media’ as well as a list of open access resources for those wanting to find out more about this topic
Silcock, A. (2021) The representation of Refugees, Aslyum Seekers, Immigrants and Migrants in the Daily Mail (2020-21), Undergraduate Dissertation.
This dissertation investigates the ways in which refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and migrants (RASIM) are represented in the Daily Mail during the period January 2020 to October 2021. The Daily Mail was chosen as one of the most popular UK newspapers (Audit Bureau of Circulations in Press Gazette, 2022), for focused analysis of a specific newspaper and editorial line. As such this project provides a new addition to previous research - which has been largely concentrated upon comparisons and collations of media representations of RASIM… (read more)
(Illustration by Annabelle Silcock: 'Haroon’, Refugee Portrait Project, 2024)
Open Access Resources
Below are some academic resources, books and articles for those wanting to find out more about media representations of refugees, those seeking asylum, immigrants and migrants.
Abbas, M. S. (2019) ‘Conflating the Muslim refugee and the terror suspect: responses to the Syrian refugee “crisis” in Brexit Britain’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42:14, 2450-2469. Open access link:
Crawley, H. and Skleparis, D. (2018) ‘Refugees, migrants, neither, both: categorical fetishism and the politics of bounding in Europe’s “migration crisis”’, Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies, 44(1): 48–64. Open access link:
el-Nawawy, M. and Elmasry, M. H. (2024) ‘Worthy and Unworthy Refugees: Framing the Ukrainian and Syrian Refugee Crises in Elite American Newspapers’, Journalism Practice, pp. 1–21. doi: 10.1080/17512786.2024.2308527. Open access link:
Hutter, S. and Kriesi, H. (2021) ‘Politicising immigration in times of crisis’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48(2), pp. 341–365. doi: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1853902. Open access link:
Philo, G. ; Briant, E. and Donald, P. (2013) ‘Bad News for Refugees’, Pluto Press. Open access link:
I will do my best to update this resource list regularly with additional resources & links (last updated: Nov. 2024)
(Illustration by Annabelle Silcock: ‘Motaz’, Refugee Portrait Project, 2024)
Refugee Stories
Here I’ve linked some articles from Refugees who are sharing their stories and perspectives in the media (like Haroon, Motaz and Latif seen in the portraits above)
Read Motaz, Haroon and Latif’s stories here:
Read Farwad’s story here:
Read Fatima’s story here:
Read about Shaaban’s story here: (Please note: this article contains multiple trigger warnings)
(Illustration by Annabelle Silcock: ‘Latif’, Refugee Portrait Project, 2024)