CD booklet and plantable seed-paper ‘CD’
The Soundscapes project was created as a brief introduction into the ideas of soundscapes - the ‘landscapes’ of sounds in our everyday environments (aka the sounds heard in a particular place, e.g. a local green space or park).
An area that I had previously studied during my undergraduate anthropology degree, I wanted to explore the research through a new lens, and created a CD booklet that explored some key research into soundscapes, as well as the value of nature listening to our mental well-being and every day lives.
As a part of the CD booklet, I included a listenable playlist based on themes of soundscape (with titles corresponding to elements in a soundscape). The booklet also contained a wildflower seed-paper disc, which could be used to ‘plant your own soundscape’ by attracting pollinators to your garden/planted flowers.