This piece was created as part of a self-led project.

‘I Said No’ was created to display the range of reactions and emotions involved for women being catcalled on the street, and the way in which certain reactions are evoked not only as a personal choice but also as a privilege. As one of many women who have experienced catcalling as a repetitive occurrence, this piece engages with both immediate emotional reactions, but also the complex confusion of how to react in these situations.

It’s a split second to figure out whether my privileges would save me if I shout back. And I’m one of the lucky ones who even gets to weigh that up.

It seems that there is a certain responsibility placed on us to somehow respond ‘appropriately’ or in a way that removes cat-callers’ ‘power’, and I’ve felt the effects of that confusion after the fact. Questioning how could I have responded ‘better’? Or that I should have ‘stuck it to the man’ with a perfectly crafted come-back.

But in reality, what I’ve felt is scared. And angry. And so far, the movie moment where I ‘win’ that argument just hasn’t materialised.

So I did what I do best and made an illustration about it. But I live in hope that, in the future, men will be educated better, and this won’t be relatable.


Shakespearean Bookmark Set


Post Brexit Playlist